Mitochon Pipeline
Huntington’s Disease
Our Data Shows:
MP101 Preserves Brain Volume, Medium Spiny Neurons and General Neurons.
MP101 Preserves Movement.
MP101 Significantly Protects from Reactive Oxygen Species in the Cortex.
MP101 Preserves Brain Volume, Medium Spiny Neurons and General Neurons.

Wu, B, Experimental Neurology, 2017 March 27
MP101 Improves Motor Function in a N171-82Q HD Mouse of Huntingon's Disease at Age 26W with 17W Treatment.

The values are the mean and SEM. One-way ANOVA tests were used. n=14-16. *p<0.005 versus the WT Placebo group; #p<0.005 versus the HD Placebo group.
Wu, B, Experimental Neurology, 2017 March 27
MP101 attenuates brain atrophy (at 26 weeks of age) in N171-82 HD mice.

Wildtype (WT) with normal cortex (Ctx) and Striatum (Str). HD placebo (HD) shows loss in both Ctx and Str. MP-101 shows minor loss in Ctx and Str.
MP101 Significantly Reduces Oxidative Stress in Cortex of HD Mouse Model.

The values are the mean and SEM. One-way ANOVA tests were used. n=14-16. *p<0.005 versus the WT Placebo group; #p<0.005 versus the HD Placebo group.
Wu, B, Experimental Neurology, 2017 March 27